Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/218

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Lipsius, Die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten, I (1883), 543–622; Erganzungsheft, 1890, 28–31.

Harnack, Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, I (1893), 127 ff.; II, 1 (1897), 543–545.

Speranskij, Die apokryphen Akten des Apostels Andreas in den altrussischen Texten, Moskau, 1894.

Bonnett, "La passion de l'apotre André, dans quelle langue a-t-elle été écrite?" (Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 3 (1894), 458–469. Supplementum Codicis apocryphi, II: Acta Andreæ cum Laudatione contexta, et Martyrium Andreæ græce, Passio Andreæ latine a se primum edita ex Analectis Bollandianis (XIII, 1894, p. 309–378), repetiit præfatus est indices adjecit, Paris, 1895.

Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, II, 1 (1898), pp. XI–XXIV; 1-127.

Ehrhard, Die altchristliche Literatur, I (1900), 161–163.

Bardenhewer, Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, I (1902), 432 ff.

Schimmelpfeng-Hennecke in Hennecke, Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, 1904, 459 ff.; Handbuch, 1904, 544 ff.

Bardenhewer, Patrology, p. 103 f.

Of Andrew, the brother of Peter (Matt. IV, 18; Mark I, 16; XIII, 3; John I, 40, 44; VI, 9; XII, 22) we know very little. According to Eusebius, Andrew labored in the countries north of the Black Sea (Hist Eccl., III, 1,1). Some make Greece the sphere of his activity (Lipsius, loc. cit., 63); only the Muratorian Fragment (line 13) records that, in consequence of a revelation given to Andrew, John wrote his gospel, which would point to Ep