Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/232

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time, that man did not understand it; only he knew it; that is, because of his gifts he was not regarded as an enemy. But when the mystery of grace shone forth and the counsel of the everlasting rest was manifest and the light of the word appeared and it was seen how the saved human race had to fight with many hosts, the enemy himself, however, being despised and on account of the goodness of mercy was ridiculed for his gifts by which he proudly appeared to triumph over him, he began to rise up in hatred and enmity and to turn the tables upon us. And he has undertaken not to desist from us, till he thinks to have separated us (from God). In former times our adversary was careless and associated with us, pretending a friendship worthy of him. He was not even afraid that we, deceived by him, might leave him. But the light that rose unto us of the possession of the order of salvation has, I will not say < intensified his enmity, but manifested >. For it brought to light the mercy of his essence and what seemed to be hidden of him, and brought out his true nature. Therefore, dear brethren, since we know what is to come, let us wake up without being discontented, without assuming an air, without walking with our souls in his tracks, which are not ours; but being completely bound up in the whole word, let us arise spiritually, and let us all joyfully wait for the end and flee from him, that in future he may also be manifested as that, who our nature against our . . .