Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/240

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Thilo, Acta S. Thomæ apostoli, Lipsiæ, 1823.

Tischendorf, Acta Apost. apocrypha, 1851.

Lipsius, Apokryphe Apostelgeschichten, I, 225–347; II, 2, 422 f.

Macke, Theologische Quartalschrift, 1874, p. 1 f.

Harnack, Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur, II, 1, p. 545–549.

Bevan, The hymn of the Soul contained in the Syriac Acts of Thomas in Texts and Studies, 5, 3 (1897).

Ehrhard, Die altchristliche Literatur, 1900, p. 163–165.

Burkitt in Journal of theological studies, I (1900), p. 280 ff.; II (1901), p. 429; IV (1903), p. 125 ff.

Philipps, "The connection of St. Thomas the Apostle with India" (Ind. Antiq., 1903, 1, p. 1-15).

Bonnet, Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, II, 2 (1903), p. 99-291.

Hoffman in Zeitschrift fuer neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1903, p. 273–309.

Preuschen, Zwei gnostiche Hymnen, Gieszen, 1904.

Hilgenfeld, "Der Konigssohn und die Perle" (Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Theologie, 1904, 229–241).

Raabe-Preuschen in Hennecke, Neutest. Apokryphen, 1904, 473 ff., and in Handbuch (1904) 563 ff.

Bardenhewer, Patrology, p. 106 ff.

According to a tradition, known already to Origen, Thomas is said to have preached in Parthia. According to a Syriac tradition he died at Edessa, where a beautiful church was erected in his honor, in the fourth century. According to the Acts of Thomas, he is said to have labored in India. This tradition has been accepted by most writers since the fourth