Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/246

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4. And having left the boat, they went into the city. And, behold, the voices of flute-players and of water-organs, and trumpets sounding round them. And the apostle inquired, saying, "What festival is this in this city?" And the inhabitants there answered, "the gods have brought thee also, that thou mayest be feasted in this city. For the King has an only daughter and now he is going to give her to a husband in marriage. This festival, then, which thou seest to-day, is the rejoicing and public assembly for the marriage. And the King has sent forth heralds to proclaim everywhere that all are to come to the marriage, rich and poor, bond and free, strangers and citizens. But if anyone should refuse and. not come to the marriage, he is answerable to the King. And Abban, having heard, said to the apostle, "Let us also go, that we give no offense to the King, and especially as we are strangers." And he said, "Let us go." And having turned into the inn, and rested a little, they went to the marriage. And the apostle, seeing them all reclining, reclined also in their midst. And they all looked at him as a stranger, and coming from a foreign land. And Abban the merchant, as being a lord, reclined in another place.

5. And whilst they were eating and drinking, the apostle tasted nothing. Those about him said to him, "Why hast thou come hither, neither eating nor drinking?" And he answered and said to them, " For something greater than food or