Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/252

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doors, didst bring out thence those that had been shut in for many ages in the treasuries of darkness, and didst show them the way up that leads up on high—I beseech thee, Lord Jesus, offering thee supplication for these young persons, that thou mayest do unto them what helps, benefits them, and is good for them." And having laid his hands on them and said, "The Lord be with you," he left them in the place, and went away.

11. And the King requested the groomsmen to leave the bridal chamber. When all had left, and the doors were shut, the bridegroom raised the curtain of the bridal chamber, that he might bring the bride to himself. And he saw the Lord Jesus talking with the bride, and having the appearance of Judas Thomas, the apostle, who shortly before had blessed them, and gone out from them; and he says to him, "Didst thou not go out before them all? And how is it that thou art here now? And the Lord said to him, "I am not Judas, surnamed Thomas; I am his brother." And the Lord sat down on the bed, and ordered them to sit down on couches, and he began to say to them:

12. "Remember, my children, what my brother said to you, and to whom he commended you; and know, that if you refrain from this filthy intercourse you become temples holy and pure, being released from afflictions and troubles, known and unknown, and you will not be involved in the cares of life, and of children, whose end is destruction. But if you get many children, for their sakes you become