Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/263

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and supplicate before thy God, that I may become worthy of his service and become partaker of that which was shown to me by his angels."

25. And the apostle seized with joy, said, "I give thanks to thee, Lord Jesus, that thou hast revealed thy truth in these men. For thou alone art the God of truth and not another; and thou art he who knowest all things that are unknown to many; thou, O Lord, art he who in all things showest mercy and compassion to men. For men, through the error that is in them, have overlooked thee, but thou hast not overlooked them. And now, because I entreat thee and supplicate thee, accept the King and his brother, and unite them into thy fold, cleanse them by thy baptism, and anoint them with thy oil from the error which encompasses them. Protect them also from the wolves and bring them into thy meadows. Give them to drink of thy ambrosial fountain, which is never muddy and never faileth. For they entreat and supplicate thee, and wish to become thy servants, and on this account they have also resolved to be persecuted by thine enemies, and to endure for thy sake hatred, insult, and death, as thou also hast suffered all this for our sakes, in order to gain us, who art Lord and a truly good shepherd. Do thou grant unto them that they put their trust alone in thee, and obtain the hope coming from thee and hope of their salvation, which they expect alone from thee, and that they may be confirmed in thy mysteries and receive the perfect benefits of thy graces and gifts, and flourish in thy