Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/286

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and put on the new man now declared to them by me!"[1]

49. And he laid his hands on them and blessed them, saying, "The grace of our Lord Jesus be upon you for ever!" And they said, "Amen."[2]

And the woman begged of him and said, "Apostle of the Most High, give me the seal, that that foe may not come back upon me again." And he made her come near to him, laid his hands on her, and sealed her in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. And many others were also sealed with her. And the apostle ordered his minister (deacon) to set out a table. And they set out a couch which they found there. And having spread a linen cloth upon it, he put on it the bread of the blessing (the blessed bread). And the apostle, standing by it, said, " Jesus, who hast deemed us worthy to partake of the eucharist of thy holy body and blood, see, we are emboldened to come to thy eucharist and to invoke thy holy name; come and commune with us."

50. And he commenced to say:

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< "Come, gift of the Most High; >
Come, perfect compassion;
Come, communion with the male;[3]
< Come, Holy Spirit; >
Come, thou that knowest the mysteries of the chosen one;

  1. Comp. Eph. IV, 22, 24; Col. Ill, 9, 10.
  2. Comp. Rom. XVI, 20.
  3. Not in the Syriac.