Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/288

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Sixth Deed,

concerning the young man who killed the maiden.

(Aa. pp. 167-178.)

51. And there was a certain young man, who had done a nefarious deed. And he also came and partook of the eucharist. And his two hands withered, so that he could no longer bring them to his mouth. When those present saw him, they told the apostle what had happened. And the apostle called him and said, "Tell me, my son, and be not afraid, what thou hast done, ere thou earnest hither. For the eucharist of the Lord has convicted thee (of a bad deed). For this gift, by permeating them, brings healing to many, especially to those who come in faith and love; but thee it has withered away, and what has happened has happened not without some cause (on thy part.)" And the young man convicted by the eucharist of the Lord came up, fell to the apostle's feet, and prayed him, and said, "An evil deed has been done by me, whilst I thought to do something nice. I loved a woman who lived in an inn outside of the city, and she loved me also. And I having heard from thee, and believing that thou proclaimest the living God came and received the seal from thee along with the others. And thou didst say, "Whoever shall indulge in impure intercourse (with a woman), especially in adultery, shall not have life with the God