Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/290

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the apostle on the road. When they had come to the inn, they found her lying. And when the apostle saw her, he was sad, for she was a beautiful maiden. And he ordered her to be brought into the middle of the inn. And having put her on a couch, they brought it, and set it in the midst of the courtyard of the inn. And the apostle laid his hand on her, and began to say, "Jesus, who always appearest to us—for this thou wishest that we should always seek thee and hast given us the permission to ask for us and to receive, and hast not only permitted us this, but hast also taught us how to pray[1]—who art not seen by us with the bodily eyes, but who art not altogether hidden from those of our soul, and who art hidden in thy form, but manifested to us by thy works; and by thy many deeds we have recognized thee as much as we comprehend, and thou hast given us thy gifts without measure, saying, * Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.'[2] We pray, therefore, being afraid of our sins. And we ask of thee not riches, nor gold, nor silver, nor possessions, nor any of those things that come from earth and go into the earth again; but we beg of thee, and entreat that in thy holy name thou raise this woman lying here by thy power, to thy glory and to an awakening of faith in those which stand by."

54. And he said to the young man, having

  1. Matt. VII, 7.
  2. Comp. Acts of John, ch. 22.