Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/296

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were troubled by unclean spirits,[1] brought them to him; and some they laid on the road[2] by which he was to pass, and he healed all by the power of the Lord. And those that were healed by him said with one accord and one voice, "Glory to thee, Jesus, who in like manner hast given healing to all through thy servant and apostle Thomas! And being in good health, and rejoicing, we pray thee, that we may become members of thy flock and be counted among thy sheep. Receive us, therefore, O Lord, and consider not our trespasses and our former transgressions, which we have done, because we were in ignorance!"[3]

60. And the apostle said, "Glory be to the only-begotten of the Father;[4] glory to the firstborn of many brethren;[5] glory to thee, the helper and succor of those who take their refuge to thee. Thou that sleepest not, and raising those that are asleep; that livest and bringest to life those that are lying in death: O God Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, redeemer and helper, refuge and rest of all those that labor in thy work, who affordest health to those who for thy name's sake bear the burden and heat of the day;[6] we give thanks for the gifts given to us by thee, and for the help from thee bestowed upon us, and thy providential care that has come upon us from thee.

  1. Comp. Luke VI, 18.
  2. Comp. Acts V, 15.
  3. Comp. Acts III, 17.
  4. Comp. John I, 14.
  5. Comp. Rom. VIII, 29.
  6. Comp. Matt. XX, 12.