Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/300

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wherever they are they throw them down and uncover them. I ask thee, therefore, to pray to God: help me and have mercy upon me! For since three years no table (for the meal) has been set up in my house, and my wife and my daughter sat at no meal. Especially (I ask thee) for my unhappy daughter, which has not seen anything good yet in this world.

65. When the apostle heard this from the commander, he felt very sorry for him. And he said to him, "Believest thou that Jesus heals her?" And the commander said, "Yes." And the apostle said, "Commend thyself to Jesus, and he will heal and help her." Said the commander, "Show him to me, that I may ask him and believe on him." And the apostle said, "He appears not to these bodily eyes, but is only found with the eyes of the mind." And the commander lifted up his voice and said "I believe on thee, Jesus, and I beseech and ask of thee, help my little faith, which I have toward thee." The apostle commanded the deacon Xenophon[1] to assemble all in one place. And when the multitude was assembled, the apostle spoke, standing in the midst:

66. "My children and brethren, which believe on the Lord, remain in this faith, by preaching Jesus, who has been preached to you by me, and by putting your hope in him. Forsake him not, and he shall not forsake you. When you sleep in this

  1. Syriac: Xanthippus.