Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/302

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worthy to be preachers of that name, and shall be punished there afterward."

67. And having prayed with them and remained a long time in prayer and supplication, he commended them to the Lord and said: "Lord, the Lord of each soul, which dwelleth in a body; Lord, Father of the souls which hope in thee and wait for thy mercy, who redeemeth thy men from error, and freest from servitude and corruption those who are subject to thee and take refuge with thee, come to the fold of Xenophon, anoint them with holy oil, heal their wounds and keep them from the grievous wolves." And he laid his hands upon them and said, "The peace of the Lord come upon you and go also with us!"

Eighth Deed.

about the wild asses.

(Aa. pp. 185-197)

68. And the apostle went forth to go on his way. And all accompanied him with tears and adjured him to remember them in his prayers and not to forget them. And when he had mounted the wagon and all brethren were left behind, the commander came, ordered the driver to rise, and said, "I pray and supplicate to be deemed worthy to sit under his feet and to become his driver on this way, that he may become my companion on that way, in which only a few walk."