Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/305

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worthy of thee are glorified; Jesus, who has taken thee a form and becamest like a man and didst appear to all of us in order not to separate us from thy love; Lord, thou art he who hast given himself for us and has bought us with a price by his blood, as a precious possession. But what have we, Lord, to offer in exchange for thy life which thou hast given for us? For what we have is thy gift. < And thou demandest also nothing of us > than this, that we ask thee and (thereby) have life."

73. And having spoken thus, many came from all sides to see the apostle of the new God. And the apostle said again, "Why do we stand idle? Lord Jesus, the hour has come. What wishest thou that should be done? Command, therefore, that this be accomplished what must be done now." And the wife and daughter of the commander were very troubled by the demons, in such a wise that the inmates of the house thought that they would rise no more. For they would not allow them to eat anything at all, but threw them on their beds, and they recognized no one till the day on which the apostle came. The apostle said to one of the wild asses, which were yoked on the right side, "Go into the court, and there standing call the demons and say unto them, Judas Thomas, the apostle and disciple of Jesus Christ, says, Come out hither! For for your sakes and against your relatives have I been sent to destroy you and to persecute you to your place, till the time of consummation comes and you go down into your dark depth."