Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/311

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to thy mercy, which is shed over us; glory to thy compassion which is spread over us; glory to thy majesty, who didst come down for our sakes; glory to thy highest kingdom, which humbled itself for our sakes; glory to thy strength which became weak for our sakes; glory to thy deity which for our sakes appeared in the image of man; glory to thy humanity, which died for our sakes, to make us alive; glory to thy resurrection from the dead, for by it our souls shall share in the resurrection and rest; glory and praise to thy ascension into heaven, for by it thou didst show us the way to the highest after thou didst promise that we shall sit on thy right hand and judge with thee the twelve tribes of Israel. Thou art the heavenly word of the Father; thou art the hidden light of the mind; thou art he that shows the way of truth; O persecutor of darkness and destroyer of error."

81. When the apostle had spoken thus, he went to the women and said, "My Lord and my God, I doubt not in thee, nor do I call upon thee in unbelief, who art always our helper and assistance and restorer who givest us thy strength, encouragest us, and givest thy servants freedom in love. I beseech thee, let these women rise up healed, and become again as they were ere the demons struck them." Having spoken thus, the women turned and sat down. And the apostle ordered the commander that his servants take them and bring them in. And when they had come in, the apostle said to the wild asses, "Follow me." And they followed him till