Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/314

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which account the curse came upon Cain; > also of theft, which induced Judas Iscariot and caused that he hung himself; < and of gluttony, which caused the loss of primogenitureship, and of avarice, > for those that are given to avarice see not what they do; and of ostentation < and defamation > and all dirty deeds, especially of the carnal < and the dirty intercourse and couch of uncleanliness, > the end of which is eternal damnation. For this (uncleanliness) is the starting point of every evil. In like manner, it also leads those which are proud into servitude, drawing them down into the depth and subjecting them to their hands, that they see not what they do, on which account their deeds are unknown to them.

85. "Ye, however, < walk in holiness, for it is chosen more than any other good before God, > and become ye thereby well-pleasing to God, < and in moderation, which indicates the intercourse with God > and gives life eternal and despises death. And (walk) in kindness (meekness), for it overcomes the enemy and alone obtains the crown of victory. And in goodness and in helping, the poor and satisfying the want of the needy, by bringing (from your possession) and communicating to the needy. Especially walk in holiness, for before God it is the starting point of every good thing. < For he that is not sanctified can do nothing noble. > The holiness is of God, destroying fornication, overcoming the foe, well-pleasing to God. It is an invincible athlete, it is highly esteemed of God and