Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/317

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said to the woman, "Go in peace, and the Lord will make thee worthy of his mysteries." And she said, "I am afraid to go away, fearing lest thou leavest me and goest to another people." And the apostle said to her, "Though I go away, I shall not leave thee alone, but Jesus will be with thee because of his compassion." And she fell down, worshipped him, and went to her house.

89. And Charis, the relative of King Misdai, after having bathed, went up to recline at dinner. And he inquired after his wife, where she was. For she had not come as usual from her chamber to meet him. And her servants said to him, "She is unwell." And he started up, went to the chamber and found her on the couch and covered. And he unveiled her, kissed her, and said to her, "Why art thou so sad?" And she said, "I am unwell." He said to her, "Why hast thou not observed the decency becoming a free woman and stay at home, but didst go and listen to the idle words and look at works of sorcery? But rise, dine with me, for I cannot eat without thee." But she said to him, "Excuse me for today, for I am very much afraid."

90. Upon hearing this from Mygdonia, Charis would not partake of the meal, but ordered his servants to bring her to eat with him. And having brought her, he demanded that she should eat with him. And she excused herself. As she would not, he ate alone, saying to her, "On thy account I refused to eat with King Misdai, and thou wouldst not eat with me? " And she said, "Because I am