Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/336

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We were two, different from each other, >
And yet again one, in one form.
Yea, the treasures also I saw as two,
Which had brought the garment,
And yet they had one form:
Both wore a royal symbol.
The treasure and riches they had in hands
And returned, what belonged to me,
The glorious garment,
Adorned in shining colors
With gold and precious stones
And pearls in apparent color—
They were fastened above,
< And with diamonds all its seams were put together. >
And the picture of the King of kings
Was fully on the entire garment,
And sapphire stones were fittingly fastened above. [1]

113. And again I saw
That the impulses of knowledge proceeded from the whole
And it was ready to speak.
I heard, however, how it spoke
< With those which had brought it >:
'I descend from the bravest of all men,
On which account I was educated by the father himself,
And I perceived myself how my greatness
Grew in correspondence to his energy.'

  1. Syriac: like sapphire stones glitter its colors.