Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/346

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treasures and garments which wax old; this, however, is living words which never pass away."

125. Having heard this, Charis went to the king, and told him all. And the king ordered to bring Judas for a trial and to kill him. But Charis said, "Have a little patience, O king; frighten the man first by words, and persuade him to induce Mygdonia that she become toward me as before." And Misdai sent for the apostle of the Messiah and had him brought from the prison. And all prisoners were sad because the apostle went away from them—for they all loved him very much—and said, "Even this consolation which we had is taken from us!"

126. And Misdai said to the apostle, "Why teachest thou this new doctrine, which gods and men hate and in which there is no profit?" And Judas said, "What bad thing do I teach?" Misdai said, "Thou teachest that it is impossible for men to have life with God unless they keep pure to the God whom thou preachest." Judas said, "Thou speakest true, O king; this I teach indeed. For tell me: art thou not indignant when thy soldiers accompany thee in filthy garments? Now, if thou, who art an earthly king and returnest to earth, demandest that thy subjects are decent in their exterior, how couldst thou be angry and say that I teach evil by saying: those who serve my king must be holy and pure and free from every sadness and care for children and unnecessary riches and transitory