Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/363

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have released. Invited to the supper, I came at once, and excused me not with the piece of ground and the yoke of oxen and wife. May I not be rebuked by him, and may I not eat of it only after compulsion. I was invited to the marriage and put on white garments. May I be worthy of them and not be obliged to go into the outer darkness, hand and foot bound. My lamp radiates in its light; may its lord keep it (burning) till he leaves the wedding house and I receive him. May I not see that it smokes for want of oil. May my eyes receive thee, and my heart rejoice, because I have fulfilled thy will and carried out thy commandments. May I be likened unto that faithful and wise servant which is very careful in his watchfulness. Watching the whole night, I endeavored to guard the house from robbers, that one dig not through it.

147. < "My loins are girt about with truth, and my shoes are firmly tied to my feet. May I not see their bands untied. My hand I put to my plow and looked not back, that my furrows be not crooked. My fields are white and long ago ready for the harvest. May I receive my reward! The garment waxing old I used, and the work which brings rest I have finished. I kept my first, second and third watch, and may I receive thy face and worship before thy holy splendor. I have destroyed my storehouses and devastated them upon earth; may I receive from thy treasure, which diminishes not! The fountain running in me I dried up; may I rest at thy living fountain and find rest