Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/369

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Judas said, "Believe on Jesus, and thou shalt find the gates opened." When he left them to go forth, the others followed him. And as Vazan went ahead, he met his wife Mnesar, who went to the prison. And as she recognized him, she said to him, "My brother Vazan, is it thou?" He says, "Yea. And thou art Mnêsar?" She says, "Yea." And Vazan said to her, "Whither art thou going and at this time? And how didst thou get up?" And she said, "This young man put his hand upon me, raised me up, and in my sleep I saw that I should go where the stranger was to recover fully." Says Vazan to her, "What young man is with thee?" She says, "Seest thou not him which leadeth me by the right hand?"

155. And as they were thus conversing, Judas came with Sifôr and his wife and his daughter and Tertia and Mygdonia and Marcia into the house of Vazan. And when Mnesar, Vazan's wife, saw it, she fell upon her knees and said, "Hast thou come to save us from the heavy disease? Thou art he whom I saw in the night as he gave me this young man to bring me to the prison. But thy goodness would not suffer it to trouble myself, but thou hast come to me thyself." And when she said this and turned around, she no more saw the young man. And not finding him, she said to the apostle, "I cannot go alone. The young man is not here, which thou hast given to me." And Judas said, "Jesus shall lead thee." And she went before them. And when they had come into the house of Vazan, the