Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/372

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And he bade Mygdonia to anoint them (the women), himself anointing Vazan. And having anointed them, he made them go down into the water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

158. And when they came out of the water, he took bread and cup, blessed, and said, "We eat thy holy body, crucified for us; and we drink thy blood, shed for us for redemption. May thy body be redemption for us, and thy blood for the forgiveness of sins! For the gall[1] which thou didst drink for our sakes, may the gall of the devil around us, be taken away; and for the vinegar, which thou didst drink for us, may our weakness be strengthened; for the spittle[2] which thou didst receive for our sakes, may we receive the dew of thy goodness, and for the reed[3] with which they struck thee for our sakes, may we receive the perfect house! And that thou didst receive a crown of thorns[4] for our sakes, may we that loved thee crown ourselves with an imperishable crown! And for the linen,[5] in which thou wast wrapped, let us be clothed with thy invincible power; for the new tomb[6] and burial let our souls receive renewal of the soul and of the body. That thou didst rise again and revive, let us rise again and live and stand before thee in righteous

  1. Comp. Matt. XXVII, 34.
  2. Comp. Matt. XXVII, 30.
  3. Comp. Matt. XXVII, 29.
  4. Comp. Matt. XXVII, 29.
  5. Comp. Matt. XXVII, 59.
  6. Comp. Matt. XXVII, 60.