Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/38

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15. And when Thamyris heard these things he rose up early in the morning, and, filled with rage and anger, he went into the house of Onesiphorus with archons and lictors, and a great crowd with batons and said [to Paul],[1] "Thou hast deceived the city of the Iconians, and especially my betrothed bride, so that she will not have me! Let us go to the Governor Castellius!" And the whole crowd cried, "Away with the sorcerer! for he has misled all our wives," and the masses were also incited.

16. And Thamyris standing before the tribunal, said with a great shout, "O proconsul, this man—we know not whence he is—who makes virgins averse to marriage, let him say before thee why he teaches thus." But Demas and Hermogenes said to Thamyris, " Say that he is a Christian and he will die at once." But the proconsul stayed his intention, and called Paul saying, "Who art thou, and what dost thou teach? for they bring no small accusation against thee."

17. And Paul, lifting up his voice, said, "If I to-day must tell any of my teachings, then listen, O proconsul: the living God, the God of vengeance, [the jealous God],[2] the God who has need of nothing, who seeks the salvation of men, has sent me that I may reclaim them from corruption and uncleanness and from all pleasure, and from death, that they may sin no more. On this account God sent his

  1. Not in the Coptic.
  2. Not in the Coptic; omitted also in the Syriac and in some MSS.