Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/41

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when she came in naked, the governor wept and admired the power that was in her. And the executioners arranged the wood and told her to go up on the pile. And she, having made the sign of the cross, went up on the pile. And they lighted the fire. And though a great fire was blazing, it did not touch her. For God, having compassion upon her, made an underground rumbling and a cloud full of water and hail overshadowed (the theater) from above, and all that was in the cavity of it was poured out, so that many <of the lookers-on > were in danger of death. And the fire was put out and Thecla saved.

23. And Paul was fasting with Onesiphorus and his wife, and his children, in a new tomb, on the way which led from Iconium to Daphne. And when many days were past in fasting, the children said to Paul: "We are hungry." And they had nothing to buy bread, for Onesiphorus had left the things of this world, and followed Paul, with all his house. And Paul, having taken off his cloak, said, "Go, my child, sell this and buy some loaves and bring them.' And when the child was buying he saw Thecla their neighbor, and was astonished and said, "Thecla, whither art thou going?" And she said, "I have been saved from the fire, and am following Paul." And the child said, "Come, I shall take thee to him; for he is distressed about thee and prays and is fasting already six days."

24. And when she had come to the tomb, where Paul was kneeling and praying, "Father of <