Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/54

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Hennecke, Handbuch zu den neutest. Apokryphen, 1904, 358 ff., 388 ff.

Schmidt, Acta Pauli, 1904, 72 ff.

Harnack, "Untersuchungen ueber den apokryphen Briefwechsel der Korinther mit dem Apostel Paulus" (in Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, January 12, 1905).

Harnack, "Die apokryphen Briefe des Paulus an die Laodicener und Korinther" (in Kleine Texte fuer theologische Vorlesungen und Uebungen, ed. Lietzmann, part 12, Bonn, 1905).

Zahn, Einleitung in des Neue Testament, 3d ed. Vol. I (1906), pp. 178, 193, 380, 386.

Leipoldt, Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, I (1907), 213 ff.

Bardenhewer, Patrology, p. 11 1 ff .

De Bruyne, "Une nouveau manuscript de la 3, lettre de S. Paule aux Corinthiens" in Revue Bénédictine, 25 Année (1908), no. 4.

In 1823 Prof. Rinck published at Heidelberg: das Sendschreiben der Korinther an den Apostel Paulus und das dritte Sendschreiben Pauli an die Korinther, for which he perused eight manuscripts. His researches made it clear that the correspondence in the Armenian Bible-manuscripts belonged to the body of the Pauline epistles, i.e., was originally counted in the Armenian Church as belonging to the biblical canon, because it stood as third epistle to the Corinthians after the second epistle to the Corinthians and before that to the Galatians. From other indications, Rinck also inferred that the reception of the third Corinthian into the Canon belonged to a time when the Armenian version of the Bible was made and that this was due probably to the influence of the Syriac Bible, in which the epistle must have occupied the same position. In the commentary of Ephræm Syrus[1] on the Pauline epistles, the third Corinthian is

  1. Opera Ephræmi, III, p. 116 ff. Venice, 1836; German translation in Zahn, Kanon, II, 2,595 ff. Vetter, Theolog. Quartalschrift, 1890, p. 627 ff.