Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/57

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14. Christ[1] has neither come in the flesh, nor was he born of Mary[2]

15. And the world is not the work of God, but of angels.

16. Wherefore, we beseech thee, brother, do thy diligence to come to us, that the Corinthian church[3] remain without stumbling, and the foolishness of those be confounded. Farewell in the Lord!


1. The deacons Threptus and Eutychus took the letter to Philippi,

2. So that Paul received it, being himself in prison because of Stratonike, the wife of Apollophanes; and he became very sad[4]

3. And exclaimed saying: "it had been better, had I died and were with the Lord than to abide in the flesh and to hear . . . such words ... so that sorrow comes upon sorrow.

4. "And to be in prison in the face of such great distress and behold such mischief where the wiles of Satan are busy!"

5. And under much affliction Paul wrote the answer to the letter.[5]


1. Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ, to the brethren at Corinth—greeting.

2. Being in many afflictions, I marvel not, that the teachings of the evil one had such rapid success.

3. For my Lord Jesus Christ will hasten his coming, since he can no longer tolerate the wrong of those who falsify his teaching.

4. For I delivered unto you first of all what I received[6]

  1. In the Coptic: the Lord.
  2. Some authorities read: of the Virgin Mary.
  3. Some authorities : the city of the Corinthians.
  4. The Coptic is here defective. I followed Harnack's Greek text. Some authorities like the Armenian and Ephræm read here: so sad that he forgot his bonds and became sorry because of the words which he heard.
  5. Vs. 3-5 is greatly amplified. The Coptic is defective.
  6. One authority: from the Lord and the apostles before me.