Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/66

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of the soldier. And the soldier, and all who stood near by, were astonished at this sight and glorified God, who had thus honored Paul. And they went away and reported everything to Caesar.

6. When he heard (of it), he was much amazed, not knowing what to say. While many philosophers and the centurion were assembled with the emperor, Paul came about the ninth hour, and in the presence of all he said, "Caesar behold, here is Paul, the soldier of God; I am not dead, but I live in my God. But upon thee, thou miserable one,[1] many evils and great punishments[2] will come, because thou hast unjustly shed the blood of the righteous, not many days hence." And after having spoken thus, Paul departed from him.[3] When Nero had heard (this), he commanded that the prisoners be released, Patroclus as well as Barsabas with his friends.

7. And as Paul had told them, Longus and Cestus the centurion, came very early to the grave of Paul, trembling. And when they came near, they found two men in prayer and Paul with them, so that they became frightened when beholding the incredible miracle, whilst Titus and Luke, being afraid at the sight of Longus and Cestus, turned to run away.

But the persecutors said to them, "We persecute you not in order to kill you, ye blessed men of God,

  1. Coptic omits: thou miserable one and great punishments.
  2. Coptic omits: thou miserable one and great punishments.
  3. This clause omitted in the Coptic.