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To return to the enchantress: As soon as she had effected this wonderful change, she returned with all expedition to the Palace of Tears, that she might receive her reward. ‘‘My dear lord,” cried she, as she entered, “I have done all that you required of me, then pray rise and give me your hand.” “Come near,” said the sultan, still counterfeiting the pronunciation of the black. She did so. “You are not near enough,” he continued; “approach nearer.’’ She obeyed. He then rose up, and seizing her by the arm so suddenly that she had not time to discover him, he with a blow of his cimeter cut her in two, so that one half fell one way and the other another. This done, he left the body on the spot, and going out of the Palace of Tears, went to seek the young king of the Black Isles, who waited for him with great impatience. When he found him, “Prince,” said he, embracing him, “rejoice; you have now nothing to fear; your cruel enemy is dead.”

The young prince returned thanks to the sultan in a manner that sufficiently evinced his gratitude, and in return wished him long life and happiness. “You may henceforward,” said the sultan, “dwell peaceably in your capital, unless you will accompany me to mine, which is near: you shall there be welcome, and have as much honour shown you as if you were in your own kingdom.” ‘‘Potent monarch, to whom I am so much indebted,” replied the king, “you think, then, that you are near your capital.” “Yes,” said the sultan, “I know it is not above four or five hours’ journey.” “It will take you a whole year to return,” said the prince. “I do indeed believe that you came hither from your capital in the time you mention, because mine was enchanted; but since the enchantment is taken off, things are changed: however, this shall not prevent my following you, were it to the utmost corners of the earth. You are my deliverer, and that I

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