Page:The Aristocracy of Southern India.djvu/203

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From To Sir, Sri Bajah A. V. Jugga Eao Bahadur Gartj. 161 — — j — — . No. 743. ViZAGAPATAM COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 5th June, 1885. H. G. Turner, Esq., Ag. Collectoj' of Vizagapatam. A. V. Nursing Eow, Esq., Vizagapatam.

I have the honor to annex for your information extracts from reports to Government on the subject of the signal Tower on Dolphin's Nose.

Extracts from the Proceedings of Government, dated 13th May 1885, No. 200 Marine.

  • * * Notes of Inspection by the Chief Engineer,

P. W. D., 1 Circle, February— March 1885.

  • „ * -x- *

Signal Tower on Dolphin's Nose. This building is in a state of great disrepair, and has evidently been neglected for years. It is surmounted by a Flag Staff the supporting ropes of which appeared to be rotten, and the wood work might fall at any time. The present condition of the building is certainly dangerous and it should be either repaired or pulled down.

From J. H. Taylor, Lieut. R.N.R., Master Attendant, Madras, to the Chief Secretary to Government, dated Madras, 28th April 1885, No. 3493.