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12 The Aeistocracy of Southern India.

of Government previously obtained ; but will refer all cases appearing to you to call for such punishments, for the consideration and orders of the Governor in Council.

You shall he answerable to the Honourable Company for the good government of your Jaghir ; and if ever it should happen that in consequence of misgovernment, the interposition of the Honourable Company should become necessary, the Governor in Council of Fort Saint George will, in such case, take such measures as may appear just and proper for restoring order, and providing for the security of the people.

On every occasion of your alienating any part of your lands, either rent free or on pajmient of favourable quit rent, you shall notify the particulars and conditions of such alienation to the Agent to the Governor of Fort Saint George, at Kurnool, or to any other officer who may from time to time be appointed by the Madras Government for the purpose, and you shall not confer any such inam lands, except under a written document, in which the terms and duration of the grant shall be distinctly specified, which duration is under no circumstances to extend beyond the enjoyments of the Jaghir by the grantee.

Given under the seal of the Honourable Company (nd signature of the Eight Honourable the Governor in Council, in Fort Saint George, this twentieth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine."

In 1862, the Jaghirdar received a Sunnud guarantee- ing that the Government of India would permit any succession legitimate according to Moslim law, nnd it is as follows : —