Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/17

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6. Surgeon John H. Brinton, with a group of Union Army officers in the field 18
7. A page from the first Catalogue of the Army Medical Museum. 21
8. The first home of the Museum 23
9. The second home of the Museum 24
10. The third home of the Museum 26
11. The "Incredible" General Sickles and his leg bones 31
12. Lt. Col. George A. Otis, the second Curator of the Army Medical Museum, 1864-1881 33
13. Lt. Col. Joseph J. Woodward, MC 35
14. Maj. Edward Curtis, U.S. Volunteers 37
15. Photomicrography spreads
16. Pioneer photomicrography
17. Photomicrography by artificial light 42
18. Diatom, a form of unicellular life of microscopic size, magnified by 2,540 diameters 43
19. Bullet that ended President Lincoln's life, instrument used to locate it, and bone fragments which adhered to it 45
20. Hermann Faber 46
21. Sketch made by Hermann Faber 47
22. Reward poster, revised 48
23. Maj. Gen. Joseph K. Barnes, The Surgeon General of the Army, 1864- 1882 52
24. The fourth home of the Museum 55
25. Museum visiting rules 57
26. Main exhibit hall of the Museum, Ford's Theater building, 1866-1887 58
27. Early "dry" exhibits in comparative anatomy 61
28. Wet specimens on display enclosed in glass 64
29. Surgeon David Low Huntington, U.S. Army, third Curator of the Museum, 1881-1883 69
30. Bullet from the body of President Garfield 70
31. Maj. Charles Smart, Surgeon, U.S. Army 74
32. Dr. John Shaw Billings, famed Librarian, fourth Curator of the Museum, 1883-1893 80
33. Fifth home of the Museum 82
34. Foundation and evolution of the microscope collection 86
35. Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion 91
36. Brig. Gen. George M. Sternberg, The Surgeon General of the Army, 1893-1902 92
37. Maj. Walter Reed, fifth Curator of the Museum, 1893-1902 94
38. Army Medical School laboratories, located in the Museum-Library building in the first decade of the 20th century 96
39. Early X-ray apparatus at the Medical Museum 102
40. Early dental equipment 104