Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/400

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Figure 134.—American Registry of Pathology staff. Left to right, seated: Capt. E. L. Howes, Jr., MC, USA, Maj. H. H. Shamdin, MC, USA. Left to right, standing: Capt. H. M. Price, MC, USA, R. DiPretoro, Capt. A. W. Lazar, USAF, MC, Capt. A. B. Cooper, USAF, MC.

its home for 60 years up to 1947. This time, however, there was a very real difference in conditions from those which had prevailed when the Museum moved out 15 years before. Then, the building, in anticipation of its coming evacuation by the Library of Medicine and the Institute of Pathology, received very limited expenditures for maintenance and virtually nothing for improvements. In 1962, with the decision that the Museum should reoccupy its old home, there went the decision to preserve the building for its historic and architectural interest. The General Services Administration, which is responsible for its upkeep, has undertaken an immediate program of limited rehabilitation to make the building suitable for the Museum, and a longer range plan for interior improvements, such as elevators and plumbing, adequate to permit the installation of some of the histopathology laboratories now housed in the main building. Neither the short-range repairs nor the long-range program of