Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/34

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keepe them company, gluttony and ſloath ſerueth them at the table, pride and vaine-glory apparelleth them, but theſe ſeruants will waxe weary of their ſeruice, and in the end they ſhall haue no other ſeruants to attend them, but only ſhame; griefe and repentance: but then, oh then (you will ſay) when it is too late; Oh would to God that wee had beene more carefull of true glorious modeſtie, and leſſe cunning to keepe wantons company! Oh therefore remember, and thinke before-hand, that euery ſweet hath his ſowre: then buy not with a drop of honey a gallon of gall. Doe not thinke that this worlds pleavure will paſſe away with a trifle, and that no ſooner done, but preſently forgotten: No, no, anſwere your ſelues, that the puniſhment remaineth eternally, and therefore better it were to be an addle egge, then an ill bird. For we are not borne to our ſelues, to liue at pleaſure, but to take paines, and to labour for the good of our Countrey; yet ſo delightfull is the preſent ſweetneſſe, that wee neuer remember the following ſowre: for youth is too too eaſily wonne and ouercome with the worlds vanities: Oh, too ſoone (I ſay) is youth in the bloſſomes deuoured with the Caterpillers of foule luſt and laſciuious deſires. The blacke Fiend of Hell, by his inticing ſweete ſinne of luſt, drawes many young wits to confuſion: for in time it drawes out the heart bloud of your good names, and that being once loſt, is neuer gotten againe.

Againe, luſt cauſeth you to doe ſuch foule deedes, which makes your ſore heads for euer afterwards ſeeme ſpotted with blacke ſhame and euerlaſting infamy, by which meanes, your graues after death are cloſed vp with times ſcandall. And yet women are eaſily wooed, and
