Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/36

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Loe thus in remorſe of minde, my tongue hath vttered to the Wantons of the World the aboundance of my hearts griefe, which I haue perceiued by the vnſeemely behauiour of vnconſtant, both men and women: yet men for the moſt part are touched but with one fault, which is drinking too much; but it is ſaid of Women, that the haue two faults, that is, they can neyther ſay well, nor yet doe well.

For commonly Women are the moſt part of the fore-noone painting themſelues, and frizling their hayres, and prying in their Glaſſe like Apes, to pranke vp themſelues in their Gaudies, like Puppets; or like the Spider, which weaues a fine webbe to hang the Fly. Amongſt women ſhe is accounted a Slut, which goeth not in her Silkes: Therefore if thou wilt pleaſe thy Lady, thou muſt like and loue, ſue and ſerue; and in ſpending, thou muſt lay on load: for they muſt haue maintenance, howſoeuer thou get it, by hooke or crooke, out of Iudas Bagge, or the Diuels Budget; thou muſt ſpare neyther Lands nor Liuing, Money nor Gold.

For Women will account thee a Pinch-penny, if thou be not prodigall; and a Daſtard, if thou be not ventrous; for they account none valiant, except they bee deſperate: if ſilent, a Sot; if full of words, a Foole; iudging all to be Clownes, which be not Courtiers. If thou bee cleanly in thine Apparrell, they will tearme thee proud; if meane in Apparrell, a Slouen: if tall, a Lunges; if ſhort, a Dwarfe: for they haue ripe wits, and ready Tongues; and if they get an ynch, they will claime an ell: ſhe will coll thee about the necke with one hand, but the other ſhall bee diuing into thy pocket: and if thou take her with the manner, then it
