Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/40

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thing gotten by women, but repentance.

For women are like the Bay-tree, which is euer greene, but without Fruit; or like the vnprofitable Thorne, which beareth as trim a Bloſſome as the Apple: This is nothing, but to tell thee, that thou muſt not iudge of Gold by the colour, nor of womens qualities by their faces, nor by their ſpeeches: for they haue delicate tongues, which will rauiſh and tickle the itching eares of giddy-headed yong men; ſo fooliſh, that they thinke themſelues happy if they can but kiſſe the Dazie whereon their loue did tread: who if ſhe frowne, then hee deſcends preſently into Hell; bur if ſhe ſmile, then is he carryed with wings vp into Heauen: There is an old ſaying, That when a Dog wagges his taile, he loues his Maſter.

Some thinke, that if a woman ſmile on them, ſhe is preſently ouer head and eares in loue: One muſt weare her Gloue, another her Garter, another her colours of delight, and another ſhall ſpend and liue on the ſpoyle which ſhe getteth from all the reſt: Then, if thou wile giue thy Body to the Chyrurgion, and thy Soule to the Diuel, ſuch women are fit for thy dyet. Many creatures of euery kind reſemble women in condition: for ſome Horſe, an vnskilfull Rider can hardly diſorder; and ſome againe, in deſpight of the beſt Rider that is, will haue a Iadiſh Tricke: ſome Hawke, although ſhe be ill ſerued, yet will ſit quiet; and ſome, if neuer ſo well ſerued, yet will continually flye at checke: againe, ſome Hounds by no meanes will forſake their vndertaken Game; and ſome againe, in deſpight of the Huntſman, will continually runne at randon: and ſome men will ſteale, if their hands were bound behinde them; and ſome againe, will rather ſtarue then ſteale: euen
