Page:The Art of Cross-Examination.djvu/266

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same time, were they not? You did not wait for the answers to come back to the first application before you made the second?"

Smith. "I do not know that any answers were returned at all."

Attorney-General. "Will you swear that you were not present when Walter Palmer executed the deed assigning the policy upon his life to his brother, William Palmer? Now, be careful, Mr. Smith, for depend upon it you shall hear of this again if you are not."

Smith. "I will not swear that I was, I think I was not. I am not quite positive."

(Very few of the answers to these questions of the Attorney-General were given without considerable hesitation, and the witness appeared to labor under a sense of embarrassment which. left a decidedly unfavorable impression upon the minds of the audience.)

Attorney-General. "Do you know that the £200 bill was given for the purpose of enabling William Palmer to make up a sum of £500?"

Smith. "I believe it was not; for Cook received absolutely from me £200. If I am not mistaken, he took it with him to Shrewsbury racesnot the last races."

Attorney-General. "In whose favor was the bill drawn?"

Smith. "I think in favor of William Palmer. I don't know what became of it. I have never seen it since. I cannot state with certainty who saw me on the Monday;