Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/11

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To the Reader.

more expert Artiſt. I rejoice as at the break of the day after a long tedious night, to ſee how this ſo ary art of Alchymie begins for to ſhine forth out of the clouds of reproach, which it hath a long time undeſervedly layen under. There are two things which have a long time eclipſed it, viz. the miſts of ignorance, and the ſpecious lunary body of deceit. Ariſe O Sunne of truth, and diſpell theſe interpoſed fogs, that the Queen of Arts may triumph in ſplendour! If men did believe what this Art could effect, and what variety there is in it, they would bee no longer ſtraightened by, nor bound up to or lurare in verba Galeni, vel Ariſtotelis, but would now ſubſcribe a new engagement to be true and faithfdll to the principles of Hermes, and Paracelſus, as they ſtand eſtabliſhed without Ariſtotle their prince and Galen, and Hippocrates, their lords and maſters. They would no longer ſtand dreaming forth, Sic dicit Galenus, but Ipſe dixit Hermes. I deſire not to be miſtaken as if I did deny Galen his due, or Hippocrates what is his right, for indeed they wrot excellently in many things and de-

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