Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/14

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To the Reader.

tefius by the help of this medicine live 1000 yeares? Did not Flammell build fourteene Hoſpitals in Paris beſides as many in Boleigne, beſides Churches, and Chappels with large revenewes to them all? Did not Bacon doe many miracles? and Paracelſus many miraculous cures? Beſides what faith Sandivogius? I have faith he incurred more dangers, and difficulties by diſcovering my ſelfe to have this ſecret, then ever I had profit by it, and whenſoever I would diſcover my ſelfe to the great Ones, it alwayes redounded to my prejudice,and danger. Can a man that carrieth alwaies about him 10000 pounds worth of Jewels and gold, travel every where up and downe, ſafe, and not be robbed? Have not many rich money-mongers been tortured into confeſſion where their money was concealed? Did you never heare of a vapouring fellow in London, that pretending to the knowledge of this Myſtery was on a ſuddaine caught aſide by money-thirſters, and by them tormented with tortures little leſſe then thoſe of hell, being forced thereby (if he had knowne it) into a diſcovery of it? To ſay
