Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/4

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The Epiſtle Dedicatory.

and are friends to Art. That poor Philoſophers ſhould take no delight in riches, and rich men ſhould take great delight in philoſophy, is to me an argument, that there is more delight honour, and ſatisfaction in the one then in the enjoyment of the other. I once read of a noble mans porter that let in all that were rich apparelled, but excluded a poor Philoſopher:but I ſhould, if I had been in his place, have rather let in the Philoſopher, without the gay clothes then the gay clothes without the philoſopher. As long as I have ſenſe or reaſon I ſhall improve them to the honour of Art, eſpecially that of Alchymie. In the perfection thereof there are riches, honour, health, & length of dayes:by it Artefius lived 1000. yeares, Flammell built 28. Hoſpitals with large reveneues to them, beſides Churches and Chappells;
