Page:The Art of Literature - Schopenhauer - 1897.djvu/170

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SCHOPENHAUER SERIES. Uniformly Bound in Cloth. Price 2s. 1. THE WISDOM OF LIFE. Being the First Part of ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER S Aphorismen zur Leben- sweisheit. Translated, with a Preface, by T. BAILEY SAUNDERS, M.A. Fifth Edition. PRESS NOTICES. " Schopenhauer is not simply a moralist writing in his study and applying abstract principles to the conduct of thought and action, but is also in a large measure a man of the world, with a firm grasp of the actual, and is therefore able to speak in a way which, to use Bacon s phrase, comes home to men s business and bosoms. The essentially practical character of his Wisdom of Life is evidence by his frequent recourse to illustrations, and his singularly apt use of them. . . . This allusive illustrative method of treatment gives to his work a special charm in which similar treatises are, as a rule, de ficient. Mr. Bailey Saunders introductory essay adds much to the value and interest of a singularly suggestive volume." Manchester Ex aminer. " From the point of view of the English reader there is a good deal to be said in favour of taking Schopenhauer in small doses, commencing with the less technical of the philosopher s writings, such as treat of subjects interesting to the human kind a course made easy by Mr. Bailey Saunders* fluent translations." Saturday Review. 2. COUNSELS AND MAXIMS. Being the Second Part of ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER S Aphorismen zur Lebenswehheit. Translated by T. BAILEY SAUNDERS, M.A. Fourth Edition. " In publishing these two little volumes Mr. Saunders has done English readers a genuine service. . . . He has also introduced his translation by a clear and thoroughly helpful preface, in which are de fined with sufficient exactness Schopenhauer s philosophic standpoint and the relation of his minor writings to his chief metaphysical treatise.