Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/40

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XXVI CONTENTS. PAGES Universal use of ice in America — Ice indispensable in hot climates — Expert opinions upon the value of ice in India — Medical authorities practically unanimous in favour of ice when used with discretion — Purity of the ice must be ensured . . . . .76-79 Proportion of smokers to non-smokers — Five out of every six men smoke — Amount of tobacco used in Australia and in other countries — The eifect of tobacco on the system provisionally divided into three classes — The principles contained in tobacco — Different results of combustion from a cigar and from a pipe — Effect of tobacco when it is unsuitable — Symptoms following ex- cessive smoking — The smoker's heart — Men of middle age often compelled to give up tobacco — Effect of tobacco upon the palate — Power to appreciate good wine lost after the first whiff of cigarette, cigar, or pipe . 79-84 CHAPTER VII. EXERCISE. Effect of exercise upon the muscles — Exercise removes debris from the system — Bodily health the great desideratum of the present day — Will power increased by exercise — Exercise improves the quality of the blood — Exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, and benefits the nervous system — Every one must perform his own exercise ; no cari'ying it out by proxy— Walking six miles a day the orthodox amount of exercise — Early morning exercise not beneficial to everybody — -It is only by exercise, and by exercise alone, that the different organs are brought to the perfection of health . . . , 85-91 CHAPTER VIII. ON SCHOOL COOKEEY, AKD ITS INFLUENCE ON THE AUSTBALIAN DAILY LIFE. Enormous consumption of meat and of tea in Australia — A contest between a semi-tropical climate and Anglo- Saxon heredities — Progressive changes in the theories of