Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/42

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xxviii CONTENTS. CHAPTEE XI. ON SALADS ; SALAD PLANTS AND HERBS ; AND SALAD MAKING. Salads plainly intended for Australian use — Many people pages miss the present in looking for the future — Cookery of the highest excellence amongst all classes in France — A contrast between the English and the French methods of making a salad — Detailed instructions for the pre- paration of a French salad— Importance of a roomy and properly shaped salad bowl — Poor display of greengrocery in Australia as compared with the show of meat — Salad plants in great request elsewhere which might readily be cultivated in Australia — Salad herbs indis- pensable to a proper salad, but entirely unknown in Australia — A complete recipe for the famous Mayonnaise sauce — An excellent recipe for a herring salad . . 161-177 CHAPTER XII. ON AUSTRALIAN WINE, AND ITS PLACE IN THE AUSTRALIAN DAILY DIETARY. " With time and care Australia ought to be the vineyard of the world " — Interesting facts in the early history of the vine in Australia — Figures showing the possibilities of Australian viticulture — The climate — The soil — " Cepage," or variety — The preparation of the soil — Laying-out the vineyard — Whether to plant cuttings or rooted vines — The height of the vine above the ground — On pruning — The cellar — The gathering of the grape — Varying additions to the must — The must itself — Fer- mentation — The tasting and judging of wines — Uni- formity required in Australian wines — The future success of the Australian wine industry, and upon what it depends ....... 178-247