tern; observe the same rule as regards the calyx and stamens; mark the color carefully, as this is the most difficult part of the study, though perhaps the most pleasant and useful, as the tints in flowers are of endless variety. Attention to the rules laid down for coloring; will insure success.
Form is a difficult thing to describe, but Nature will be the truest guide; for the student can see, at a glance, if the petals be placed on regularly, as is the case in a Dahlia, or according to taste, as in the Rose.
The texture is imitated by modeling with the pin; making the edges soft and fine with the pressure of the head or point. The rules for making the stems are simple. For a small flower, take the finest wire; for medium-sized flowers, the larger size; and for large ones, the largest-sized wire.
Be very careful in making the flower of the proper thickness. This is an easy matter, as the wax is made of various thicknesses. Should you wish to imitate a thin petal, take the thin wax; for a thick one, take the thick wax; and, should you require a still thicker petal, double the wax together.
After imitating the flowers, take care, in grouping them with taste, also not to fall into the vulgar practice of arranging them in the formal manner that some florists adopt, namely, placing one large flower in the centre of the group, and a row of