Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/120

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The ART of
B. IV.

145Oh ye whose souls relentless love has tam'd
To soft distress, or friends untimely slain!
Court not the luxury of tender thought:
Nor deem it impious to forget those pains
That hurt the living, nought avail the dead.
150Go, soft enthusiast! quit the cypress groves,
Nor to the rivulet's lonely moanings tune
Your sad complaint. Go, seek the chearful haunts
Of men, and mingle with the bustling croud;
Lay schemes for wealth, or power, or fame,the wish
155Of nobler minds, and push them night and day.
Or join the caravan in quest of scenes
New to your eyes, and shifting every hour;
Beyond the Alps, beyond the Appennines.
Or, more advent'rous, rush into the field
160Where war grows hot; and, raging thro' the sky,
The lofty trumpet swells the maddening soul:
