Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/138

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The ART of
B. IV.

Keep Lent for ever; and forswear the Bowl.
450For one rash moment sends you to the shades,
Or shatters every hopeful scheme of life,
And gives to horror all your days to come.
Fate, arm'd with thunder, fire, and every plague
That ruins, tortures, or distracts mankind,
455And makes the happy wretched in an hour,
O'erwhelms you not with woes so horrible
As your own Wrath, nor gives more sudden blows.

While Choler works, good Friend, you may be wrong;
Distrust yourself, and sleep before you fight.
460'Tis not too late to morrow to be brave;
If Honour bids, to morrow kill or die.
But calm advice against a raging fit
Avails too little; and it tries the power
