Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/44

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The ART of
B. II.

What strife is brew'd, and what pernicious bane,
From combinations of innoxious things.
185Th' unbounded taste I mean not to confine
To hermit's diet, needlessly severe.
But would you long the sweets of health enjoy,
Or husband pleasure; at one impious meal
Exhaust not half the bounties of the year,
190And of each realm. It matters not mean while
How much to morrow differ from to day;
So far indulge: 'tis fit, besides, that man,
To change obnoxious, be to change inur'd.
But stay the curious appetite, and taste
195With caution fruits you never tried before.
For want of use the kindest aliment
Sometimes offends, while custom tames the rage
Of poison to mild amity with life.
