Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/49

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B. II.
Preserving HEALTH.

Of festal luxury, the wise indulge
270Most in the tender vegetable breed:
Then chiefly when the summer's beams inflame
The brazen heavens; or angry Syrius sheds
A feverish taint thro' the still gulph of air.
The moist cool viands then, and flowing cup
275From the fresh dairy-virgin's liberal hand,
Will save your head from harm, tho' round the world
The dreaded [1]Causos roll his wasteful fires.
Pale humid Winter loves the generous board,
The meal more copious, and a warmer fare;
280And longs, with old wood and old wine, to cheer
His quaking heart. The seasons which divide
Th' empires of heat and cold; by neither claim'd,
Influenc'd by both; a middle regimen

  1. The burning fever.