Page:The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17.djvu/8

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Abraham Davenport John G. Whittier 539
Among the Laurels Mrs. Akers 594
Bells of Lynn, The H. W. Longfellow 47
Castles in the Air W. C. Bryant 11
Dead Ship of Harpswell, The John G. Whittier 705
De Spiridione Episcopo C. G. Leland 454
Giotto's Tower H. W. Longfellow 724
In the Sea Hiram Rich 344
Killed at the Ford H. W. Longfellow 479
Mountain, The E. C. Stedman 734
Mr. Hosea Biglow's Speech in March Meeting James Russell Lowell 635
My Annual O. W. Holmes 395
Old Man's Idyl, An Richard Realf 266
Riviera di Ponente J. F. Clarke 202
Snow T. B. Aldrich 364
To Hersa 311
To-morrow H. W. Longfellow 552
Two Pictures John G. Whittier 149
Wind the Clock Hiram Rich 80
Reviews and Literary Notices.
Andrews's South since the War 778
A Noble Life 650
Bigelow's Address on the Limits of Education 251
Bowles's Across the Continent 524
Brownson's American Republic 523
Clark's Mind in Nature 649
Croquet, Manuals of 772
Doolittle's Social Life of the Chinese 779
Foote's War of the Rebellion 653
Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates 779
Herman; or, Young Knighthood 246
Hittell's Resources of California 522
Holcombe's Literature in Letters 650
Jean Ingelow's Songs of Seven 122
Lecky's Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe 248
Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson 119
Life of Michael Angelo 124
Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds 525
McGilchrist's Richard Cobden 253
Meta Lander's Esperance 525
Perry's Human Hair 255
Piatt's Poems 653
Savage's History of the Boston Watch and Police 122
Sarmiento's Vida de Abran Lincoln 252
Smiles's Lives of Boulton and Watt 384
Taylor's Story of Kennett 775
Towle's History of Henry the Fifth 651
Tuckerman's Criterion 651
White's Poetry of the Civil War 774
Whittier's Snow-Bound 383
Winifred Bertram 384
Works of Edmund Burke, The 122
Recent American Publications 125, 256, 655