Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 13.djvu/5

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CONTENTS. Ambassadors in Bonds Caroline Chesebro 281 Annesley Hall and Newstead Abbey Mrs. JR. C. Water ston 239 Beginning of the End, The C. C. HazeweU 112 Bryant.. G. S. Hillard 233 California as a Vineland 600 Oonvulsionists of St. M^dard, The Robert Dale Owen 209, 339 Cruise on Lake Ladoga, A Bayard Taylor 521 Fast-Day at Foxden, A 676 Fighting Facts for Fogies C, C. Hazewell 393 First Visit to Washington, The /. T. Trowbridge 448 Fouquet the Magnificent F. Sheldon 467 Genius J- Brownlee Brown 137 Glacial Period Prof. Louis Agassiz 224 Glaciers, External Appearance of Prf- Louis Agassiz 56 Glen Rov, in Scotland, The Parallel Roads of. . Prof. Louis Agassiz 723 Gold-Fields of Nova Scotia, The Artliur Oilman 576 Guides, A Talk about Maria S. Cummins 649 Half-Life, A, and Haifa Life Miss E. H. Appleton 157 House and Home Tapers Harriet Seedier Stowe. .40, 201, 353, 458, 621, 754 Irving, "Washington Donald G. Mitchell 694 Life on the Sea Islands Miss Forten 587, 666 Minister Plenipotentiary, The 0. W. Holmes 106 Mormons, Among the Fitz-Huyk Ludlow 479 My Book Gail Hamilton 90 New-England Revolution of the Seventeenth Century, The. .J. G. Palfrey 553 Northern Invasions E. E. Hale 245 Old Bachelor, Some Account of the Early Life of an . . Mrs. A. M. Diaz 560 Our Progressive Independence 0. W. Holmes 497 Pur Soldiers Mrs. Furness 364 Peninsular Campaign, The Li.- Col B. L. Alexander 379 Pictor Ignotus Gail Hamilton 433 Presidential Election, The C. C. Hazewell 631 Queen of California, The E. E. Hale .: 265 Ear Harriet E. Prescott 19 Relation of Art to Nature, On the J. Eliot Cabot 183, 313 Rim, The Harriet E. Prescott 605, 701 Kobson George Augustus Sala 715 Schoolmaster's Story, The Mrs. A. M. Diaz 416 Stephen Yarrow Author of " Life in the Iron Mills " 66 Thackeray, William Makepeace Bayard Taylor 371 Types William Winter t. .. 615 Victory, How to Use E. E. Hale 763 ..-., i_.ii (-. } ;;;;.-.. i ;: Yo-Semite, Seven Weeks in the Great Fitz-IIugh Ludlow 739 Wet -Weather .Work. . . . .Donald G. Mitchell .,,304, 539 Whittier r>. A. Wasson 331 Winthrop, Governor John, in Old England. . G. E. Ellis 1 fc-i ij'*vj--.i*I V. -ii.l -'i--<tt< " POETRY. Black Preacher, The J. JR. Lowell 465 Brother of Mercy, The John G. Whittier 279 Dante's " Paradise," Three Cantos of. H. W. Longfellow 47