Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 136.djvu/9

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Index by Titles


Abd el-Krim and the War in Africa, Vincent Sheean 251
Anonymity: An Inquiry, E. M. Forster 588
Architecture, The Advance of, Thomas E. Tallmadge 225
Bee’s Knees, The, Charles D. Stewart 1
Bird, The Way of a, Sir W. Beach Thomas 810
Book, In Quest of the Perfect, William Dana Orcutt 800
Cavalry, After—What? Captain B. H. Liddell Hart 409
‘Cavemen, We, the,’ Milutin Krunich 615
Challenge, A Contemporary, Virian T. Pomeroy 787
Christmas Come? When Will, Joseph Fort Newton 721
Christs Fought Hard, Then, Milutin Kruntch 778
Church in France, Baiting the, Denis Gurynn 272
Coal for the People, Arthur E. Suffern 838
Coming of Age, Helen Dore Boylston 289
Cotton, The Struggle for, Erans Lewin 560
Courage, Brassil Fitzgerald 655
Cure-alls, Agnes Repplier 12
Dean, He Asked the, Benfield Pressey 612
Debt, The, A. Cecil Edwards 502
Djebel Druz, In the, Wolfgang von Weisl 848
Ehot’s ‘Quarries,’ George, Charles Gardner 659
Evangelicals’ Dilemma, The, Justin Wroe Nixon 368
Everyday Life, Helen Dore Boylston 638
Farmers, Our Embattled, Arthur P. Chew 703
Fiddles and Drums, Leo Crane 359
Franklin and Lightning, Alerander McAdie 67
Free? How Does It Feel to Be, Manuel Komroff 329
Galapagos, A Conversation in the, Edmund Wilson 577
German People and Their Lost Colonies, The, Erans Lewin 264
Gift of Tongues, The, Valeska Bari 389
Glass Window, The, Lucy Furman 208
Good Business, Frank Brandon 608
‘Good-Night, All,’ Anonymous 596
Greek in the Machine Shop, Carol Wight 247
Growth, The Philosophy of, Clifford H. Farr 508
Happiness, Buying, Edgar J. Goodspeed 343
Harshest Thing in the World, The, C. E. Andrews 49
Hook, Mr. John, Wants His Money, Emily Stone Whiteley 756
Ideas, Quantity Production in, Cornelia James Cannon 380
Impartial Chairman, Problems for an, W. M. Leiserson 301
Infinitude of Things, The, Mary Lucia Bierce Fuller 334
Italian Tyranny: An Anti-Fascist View, James Murphy 818
Journal, More Leaves from a Secret, Jane Steger 758
Knight-Errant and the Infidel The, Henry R. Murphy 159
‘Let Joy Be Unrefined!’ Leo Crane 188
Light That Lighteth, The True, Robert F. Fitch 33
Little Lowizy, Lucy Furman 347
Marx To-day: Capitalism and Socialism, John R. Commons 682
Medium, Science and the, Hudson Hoagland 666
Meetinghouse and the Laboratory, The, A Woman Physician 771