Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 5.djvu/6

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Reviews and Literary Notices.

Adopted Heir, The, by Miss Pardoe, 506.

American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, 631.

American Draught - Player, The, by Henry Spayth, 505.

Avolio, and other Poems, by P. H. Hayne, 123.

Beethoven, Ludwig van,—Leben und Schaffen, 364, 497.

Brown, Captain John, Public Life of, by J. Redpath, 378.

Carlyle, Thomas, Critical and Miscellaneous Essays by, 756.

Choate, Rufus, Reminiscences of, by E. G. Parker, 370.

Dictionary of the English Language, by Joseph. E. Worcester, 631.

Dies Irae, translated by A. Coles, 752.

Divina Commedia, Le Prime Quattro Edizioni della, 622.

Dobell, Sydney, Poems by, 381.

Elements of Mechanics, by William G. Peck, 637.

Ernest Bracebridge, by W. H. G. Kingston, 247.

Fairy Dreams, by Jane G. Austin, 124.

Fanny, from the French of Ernest Feydeau, 507.

Florence Stories, The, Florence and John, by Jacob Abbott, 247.

Fresh Hearts that failed Three Thousand Years Ago, 759.

Friends in Council, New Series, 125.

Goethe's Correspondence with a Child, 251.

Good Fight, A, and other Tales, by Charles Reade, 381.

Hester, the Bride of the Islands, by Sylvester B. Beckett, 760.

History of the Whig Party, by R. M. Onnsby, 372.

Lectures on the English Language, by George P. Marsh, 508.

Life Without and Life Within, by Margaret Fuller Ossoli, 507.

Lost and Found, The, by S. B. Halliday, 119.

Mademoiselle Mori, 754.

Marble Faun, The, by N. Hawthorne, 509.

Mary Staunton, 638.

Mill on the Floss, The, by George Eliot, 756.

New American Cyclopaedia, Vol. VI., 121.

Notes of Travel and Study in Italy, by C. E.

Norton, 629.

Nugamenta, by G. E. Rice, 757.

Owlglass, Master Tyll, The Marvellous Adventures and Rare Conceits of, 126.

Plutarch's Lives, Edited by A. H. Clough,

Poems, by the Author of "John Halifax." 638.

Poems, by Two Friends, 510.

Revolutions in English History, by Robert Vaughan, 759.

Reynard the Fox, by T. J. Arnold, 126.

Simplicity of Christ's Teachings, The, set forth in Sermons, by C. T. Brooks, 250.

Sir Rohan's Ghost, 252.

Stories from Famous Ballads, by Grace Greenwood, 638.

Title-Hunting, by E. L. Llewellyn, 638.

Tom Brown at Oxford, 123.

Trip to Cuba, A, by Julia W. Howe, 510.

Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India, by Major W. S. R. Hodson, 124.

Twenty Years Ago and Now, by T. S. Arthur, 511.

Undergraduate, The, 382.

Vanity Fair, 511.

Voyage down the Amoor, by P. M. Collins, 757.

West Indies and the Spanish Main, The. by A. Trollope, 375.

List of Books, 127, 255, 383, 511, 639, 763.